blue sky with white clouds

About me

My name is John Dugan and I was born in Longbeach, Ca. a LONG, LONG time ago, lol. I lived in California until my high school years when my family and I moved to Colorado. I moved to Oklahoma City in 2000 to assist my ailing mother and have been here ever since. I will always consider Colorado home. Miss it!! They said I should use my best picture!

My mission

  • As I've gotten older and the realization of my own mortality has become more prevalent to my daily thoughts, I have several regrets. I feel that although I have worked my whole life and fulfilled my obligations to my family and friends, I also feel I have otherwise wasted my life. I completely, unequivocally believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. I try to live as a Christian but at times come up short- woefully short. I am human and do not have the right to judge anyone. The goal of this blog is to offer all the support and help I can for all those that are struggling and to those that are lost with no answers and no meaning to life. If I can help one person, make a difference in one persons life, then, not matter how much work I put into this project, it will be worth it.

  • To defend this country and remind people what a great country we live in. Imperfect as it may be, it is still the land of opportunity. I have found that most people who fail, do so of their own accord. It is still the land of the free. I appreciate the freedom to express my views in this blog and the men and women who serve knowing that our life that we live would not be possible without them. God bless America!!